Cheryl! I'm so excited!! I'm LOVED!! What a cute award and Button! Cheryl has a BEAUTIFUL BLOG full of interviews, reviews, contests, and love (the things that "we" as book bloggers do best!) Well, here on the blogs anyway : )
Cheryl, I couldn't be more honored or surprised to get this, THANK YOU so much for being a great friend from the beginning. You really are a caring and very sweet person. I'm a little tired and weak today, so here are the rules (according to my friend Cheryl's blog, which happens to be Cheryl's Book Nook!)
Here are the rules -
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
So here are the blogs that I choose!
Wendy and you can find her at caribousmom — Her blog is so great and she is too sweet!
J.Kaye and if you don't know by now, you can find her doing so many things here at J. Kaye's Book Blog
Trish (one of the very first people I met blogging here) ...Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin’? and she couldn't be sweeter!
Nymeth - She is so sweet and her blog just rocks...(Plus she's always there when you need a friend) things mean a lot!
Madeleine - Her blog can be found by clicking here Madeleine's Book Blog! Again, I couldn't ask for more in a friend!
Cheryl? Can I nominate you back? I'm just wondering because you're always the first person to leave me something sweet? Her blog is here .... Cheryl's Book Nook
Wendy R. (no, you're not last in my mind or my thoughts..) You're always here for me and your blog is so awesome! I love it!! Musings of a Bookish Kitty
Last but not least is my very dear friend and Author Sandy Ellen Patsy, and if you can't find her, well then...you may not be looking in the right place! POWER OF PUSSY There you go! She's got a wonderful blog and a gentle heart.
I have one or two more to add, but I have to leave this very second or (I feel like a little girl...) I'm going to get in trouble! LOL
I LOVE YOU ALL - The Princess
Cheryl, I couldn't be more honored or surprised to get this, THANK YOU so much for being a great friend from the beginning. You really are a caring and very sweet person. I'm a little tired and weak today, so here are the rules (according to my friend Cheryl's blog, which happens to be Cheryl's Book Nook!)
Here are the rules -
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
So here are the blogs that I choose!
Wendy and you can find her at caribousmom — Her blog is so great and she is too sweet!
J.Kaye and if you don't know by now, you can find her doing so many things here at J. Kaye's Book Blog
Trish (one of the very first people I met blogging here) ...Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin’? and she couldn't be sweeter!
Nymeth - She is so sweet and her blog just rocks...(Plus she's always there when you need a friend) things mean a lot!
Madeleine - Her blog can be found by clicking here Madeleine's Book Blog! Again, I couldn't ask for more in a friend!
Cheryl? Can I nominate you back? I'm just wondering because you're always the first person to leave me something sweet? Her blog is here .... Cheryl's Book Nook
Wendy R. (no, you're not last in my mind or my thoughts..) You're always here for me and your blog is so awesome! I love it!! Musings of a Bookish Kitty
Last but not least is my very dear friend and Author Sandy Ellen Patsy, and if you can't find her, well then...you may not be looking in the right place! POWER OF PUSSY There you go! She's got a wonderful blog and a gentle heart.
I have one or two more to add, but I have to leave this very second or (I feel like a little girl...) I'm going to get in trouble! LOL
I LOVE YOU ALL - The Princess