First and Foremost, I'd like to apologize for taking so long to write and that this will be a little short one as well. Again, I am sorry. I have undergone two surgeries, and I'm still having trouble. They are still looking for a problem with maybe my spine... and my legs are not strong at all. It feels like all of this is so hard to take.
Sitting here tonight with one of my good friends, (I am on medication for the pain and I look awful or I'd post the most recent pictures they always take of me) deep in my heart I know why they are doing it. But out of the blue, she turned to me and said, I want you to know that "You are The Strongest Person I Know.." and it means the world to me that I'm your friend. Again, I know this should probably be in a "private" blog, but I haven't written in SO long and I can feel how much I miss you all. Thank you for all the emails and well wishes. You are all very strong to me. It's funny how we see ourselves. I see myself as weak. I feel weak and I'm just sad right now. I do have BOOK REVIEWS that NEED to go up and I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE to my authors that have trusted me to get these out. It was YOU, my family and friends that have kept me HAPPY and in a better place when I need it. I thank each and every one of you.
...You haven't stopped praying, loving, or caring and that means the WORLD to me.
Your reviews will be up soon...
And for me...this year..."Yes Virginia, there IS a Santa Clause"! I get to spend another year with the ones I LOVE!
Happy Reading!