May 20, 2008

Poodlums, Boogeymen and Booglers

Poodlums, Boogeymen and Booglers By: S.L. Chessor and C.L. Blankenship

Author: S.L. Chessor and C.L. Blankenship

Publisher: AuthorHouse

Pub. Date: April 5, 2008

Format: Paperback, 196pp

Five Tiaras ~ This Book Will Live Happily Ever After On My Bookshelf!

This collection of poetry is both heartwarming and full of memories.


My thoughts and Review:

"Family bond, the glue that holds us together".

Within the pages of this adorable book I found my family and if you look close enough, I'm sure you'll find yours as well.

When I think of families, especially mine, I think of memories. Memories hold the key to who we are, how we grow and what we become. Not every memory is one that you look back at fondly, that's a given and how life is. But then there are those memories that will make you laugh so hard you'll cry! And hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, who CAN you laugh at? Some memories are shared only between friends and some are dreams of what we want to be, do or love. To me, families and memories go hand and hand.

So who were you? The scared younger sibling or the older much more "sophisticated and mature" one that tormented the younger about monsters in the closet or under the bed? Children will get into trouble and it's usually because curiosity killed the cat or "the dog" in the case of this book! I know it isn't just my mother that used to say this so "Eyes in the backs of our heads" will have you laughing louder than you thought you would sitting alone with this book. One of the greatest gifts we get in life is our parents and the bond created between us. As much as we don't want to hear this as teenagers growing up and finding ourselves, most of the time they were right and did know best. But, just to make yourself feel better, one of my favorite poems in the book, "Whatever!" will help you remember when you knew it all and they were just so wrong about everyone and everything.

Children are our future and the elderly our link to the past, a time where life was a much simpler place. We should honor them, help them, and do as they wish! Right? After you read these poems you'll have to wonder if they do things because they can, are still laughing inside and getting a chance to live their second childhood! What is better than that? The respect of an adult but to live your youth all over again.

Young love and dreams that happen in life that make us look back years later only to wonder "What if?" are also part of this wonderful collection. Times when we have to make important live altering decisions are in this book as well. You'll remember your own and the people that you turned to for wisdom when you couldn't decide yourself. Even though I cried, I read several of these poems more than once, "Remembering Grandma" was one of them. Loosing both of my grandmothers at an early age always affected me personally, so this helped me bring them back, if even for just a little while.As stated in the beginning, not only happy times are written about in this book. Poems such as "Valentine's Eve" and "Blame it on someone else" discuss some of the problems facing society today. Other memorable ones are "Will anybody ever love me" , "Jane Doe" and "A Pretty Dress",

Mrs. Chessor and Mrs. Blankenship are a mother and daughter team that write from the heart. They give you their family and their memories on a silver platter. You will laugh, cry and say "That happened to YOU too?" This unique collection of poetry has something for everyone, something that will make you remember a time in your own life and something that will make you want to read it again and again. I highly recommend this book of poetry that will always have a special place on my bookshelf.

If you enjoy this collection of poetry, you might want to also read S.L. Chessor's debut book written in memory of her late father entitled "My Tongue Fell Out.

***GIVE-A-WAY Notice: I will be GIVING AWAY an AUTOGRAPHED COPY of S.L. Chessor and C.L. Blankenship's BOOK!! If you are interested, please leave me a comment, in the comments section. Mrs. Chessor has been offered an opportunity for an interview but I am unsure yet but will let you know just as soon as I do! Winner will be posted at the end of the week.

Good Luck & Have Fun!!

That's all for now and Thank You for stopping by!



  1. OMG - This sounds like a fantastic book! :) Great review.

  2. This IS a fantastic book J.Kaye. This author is extremely nice and sent in two books so there is one to give-a-way. Would you like to be put in for the book? I know Amy owes you the other book as well, I could always put them both in a box without problems at all. Just let me know! Vanessa


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