I felt like my review of Token of Darkness was making Amelia's Guest Post appear too far down on the page! Plus, there is a chance to win FIVE copies of this amazing book in the above said post! The post to do that should appear above this one. Just follow and enter!
As for my review - Token of Darkness gets 5 Tiaras and while I was given a copy of the book from the publisher, it was so that I could give an accurate and honest opinion.
Token of Darkness
By: Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Publisher - Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Pages - 208
Level - YA
My Thoughts -
I just recently had the absolute pleasure of reading 'Token of Darkness" and I highly recommend you do the same! Ameilia Atwater-Rhodes tells a story that's not only what one might call a page-turner, fun, and frightening, but above all else, unique. I couldn't wait to find out what happened with Cooper the once football star on the mend since he awoke in the hospital after being in a terrible car accident where he just escapes death. By his side, a beautiful girl -- Samatha; and right away you're thinking, his girlfriend, possibly a cheerleader. But, that's not the case. Even though Samantha does sit by his side and cheer him every step of the way. She tells him he can do anything. And when the pain gets to be too much, she reminds him that he's the kind of guy that doesn't give up. Always with him through every step of him getting better. Cooper fully believes that Samantha is a huge part of just why he's making his way back.
He wants Samantha to have her one wish too. Why shouldn't she have it? She's helped him, she's been by his side and done everything in her power to keep him alive and well. But, how do you save "a tired spirit" -- one that appeared by his side and hasn't left. The truth is, I don't think Cooper wants her to leave. There are several problems Cooper has to overcome to help his dear friend. Samantha knows there just HAS to be a way to get her back into a body, to live again, to be human; but how? There are so many questions left unanswered, important questions, like how she died, who she was before and oh no memory of anything. The only thing she knows more than her belief in Cooper is that she really wants a body and to live again.
Cooper runs into a whole group of interesting characters along the way. You know, the next leg of his journey, which would be the way to get Samantha a body. He begins his investigation in the occult section of the library and it's there he meets a group of people that know Brent may be in more danger than he realizes. A a non-stop ride from page one, "Token of Darkness" has it all.
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes deserves high honors with "Token of Darkness". Other than my above review, I can only explain it in two words "Uniquely Addictive".
If this review has you wanting more, see Amelia's Guest Post above and enter to win a copy of your own!
February 28, 2010
February 22, 2010
Wherever Nina Lies Giveaway!
Let me give you a little background on "Wherever Nina Lies" -
Nina was beautiful, wild, and adored by her younger sister, Ellie. But, one day, Nina disappeared. Two years later, everyone has given up home that Nina will return, but Ellie knows her sister is out there. If only Ellie had a clue where to look. Then she gets one, in the form of a mysterious drawing. Determined to find Nina, Ellie takes off on a crazy, sexy, cross-country road trip with the only person who believes she’s got a chance—her hot, adventurous new crush. Along the way, Ellie finds a few things she wasn’t planning on. Like love. Lies. And the most shocking thing of all: the truth.
I got a chance to read this book and loved it! I know you will too! Ellie is an amazing character, amazing enough for me to read Wherever Nina Lies in ONE Sitting! If you'd like a copy of your own, please read on...
Visit the site to read part of the first chapter and learn more about the book! You can do that here!
Photo by: Jena Cumbo
About the Author -
Lynn Weingarten spends a lot of time writing in coffee shops while occasionally reading strangers’ laptops over their shoulders. In the past she has been a book editor, a barista, a counter girl at a bakery in Ireland, a waitress at a bar, and a seller of tiny homemade clay animals. She lives in New York City. Wherever Nina Lies was her first novel. Please visit her online at http://www.lynnweingarten.com/.
These books are not being sent by me
so, the contest is open to ALL of my followers that have a
US address where they can recieve the book if they are chosen
as a winner!
Here are the shipping guidelines directly from the office -
Shipping Guidelines: This book giveaway is open to participants with a United States mailing address only (international readers can enter if they have a friend in the States who can accept their prizes by mail.)
The only other rule is that you must FOLLOW this Site
Not Sure if You are? The Duchess has written up a
wonderful tutorial for anyone that need help!
You can find that HERE!
You MUST do this step to QUALIFY! The only other thing I ask you do is that you leave your name/nickame in each post you leave. Something that separates you from everyone else
so that it will be clear if you are chosen as the winner. You must also leave
me with your emailing address so that you can be contacted (even if it is in your profile).
*This Contest ends 3/16/10*
There are Changes so Make Sure You Read!
+5 If you Subscribe by Mail
+5 If you Subscribe via Google Reader
+5 If you TWEET About This Giveaway (Leave Link)
+10 If you Rate Me On Blogged (see link at bottom of blog)
+10 If you add me to your blog roll (and link it back to my blog)
+10 If you Blog about the Contest in your Sidebar (Link back)
+15 If you blog about this Giveaway in it's own post (Link back)
+20 If you Follow @APrkAvePrincess on Twitter (Leave @name)
+20 If you Put My Button On Your Blog and Link Back
(All will be checked BEFORE they count!)
So, spread the word about Park-Avenue Princess!
It's only a *Click* to Follow and We're NOT that far away!!
88 New Followers to be Exact!
For the Huge 1000 Follower Celebration!
And Because I'd like to get to my 1,000th Follower and
Huge Giveaway as Quickly As Possible
I'll now be offering...
+50 for each and every NEW follower you bring me
(They just have to mention it in their post! You will BOTH Get the Points!)
They must remain followers at least until the specific contest you
signed up for is finished!
Although, I'd like you to stay signed up forever!
I have some really AMAZING prizes coming up!
Separate your entries one per post! (either each or just +5 for example)
Or you will only have One Entry Regardless of What You Do!
So...SPREAD the Word! It's ONLY A Click & a Follow!
February 21, 2010
Books, Blabber & Being Me
It seems like forever since I've posted! I feel like I have a lifetime of things to catch up on and share with you and in part, it's true. I know... I know.. it's taking me a while to post lately and I do apologize! Will you forgive me if I say I have a really important reason AND it's true?
crosses fingers and whispers *thank you*!
I miss my site, reviews, books, products and most of all, I miss all of you (my blogging friends). I can't Thank you for all of you that have taken the time to check up on me, write to me, send cards and letters, etc. I appreciate it more than you know!
I have quite a few changes that I need to make for a while. For those of you that do not know, I am in the hospital, I will be still running my contests and guest posts. I'd like to get the site back to where it was. I have quite a few authors that will be here with guest posts and giveaways, along with companies and their product giveaways.
I may, for the time being, need you to just pay attention to when winners are listed. I am going to *TRY* to still email each winner, but in the last post of "And the Winners Are", The Duchess kindly asked that to make it easier on me, if your name was listed, you email me at PrincessPrizes@Yahoo.com with your full name and address (to claim your prizes) MANY of you did not. Sadly, some of them were really large prizes!
I don't want to have to create a form of some sort where you put in your name, address and what you've done in the extras. But, if I have to, I will. I can't keep drawing and redrawing winner's names. I want the very first winner, the one that's worked hard, just as hard as the second winner chosen, to get their prize. OK?
Also, I now am in need of less that 90 followers to reach 1000 through Google Friend Connect! This is HUGE for me and without you, it wouldn't be possible! So, I'm here to ask you - my very wonderful blogging friends, to spread the word about Park Avenue Princess! You WILL be REWARDED! Each person you send will get points towards a specific giveaway or contest and when Park Avenue Princess reaches 1000 followers, we will be having another HUGE giveaway (ok...GIVEAWAYS)! So PLEASE pass on the word about how much fun you have over here and all the great giveaways as well!
Also, I have quite a few reviews to get up! Most of the books have been read and are ready to be reviewed, some still need to be read, but Park Avenue Princess (Royal Reviews & Book News) is going to be looking for help! I need some Very Important People - not just any VIPs - Other Royalty to help me out for a while (and possibly permanently) depending on how many books need to be reviewed! I have decided to make Park Avenue Princess mainly YA/MG/Children's. But, I do have a passion for an occasional thriller or something girlie! If YOU feel that YOU have Royalty in you - and would like to be a "Lady Literary" or perhaps the "Book Baroness" just to name a few, I'd love to have you guest post here at Park Avenue Princess and share some reviews as well! If you've got a name in mind and have the time, please feel free to email me at PrincessPrizes@yahoo.com and talk to HM (that's Her Majesty)! There are definitely "Royal Reviewers" NEEDED at my request!
Now that I feel I've gotten a little off my chest, I'd like to let you know that on Tuesday - Well, Monday at Midnight, Three of my Followers are going to have the chance to win "Wherever Nina Lies"! So, definitely stop by for that! Plus, I have many different reviews, author guest posts, and giveaways lined up! None that you will not want to miss! Trust me!
Oh and since I've mentioned giveaways, it's come to my attention that some of you have not received your books! Please note that any books that I am responsible for mailing out are noted in the giveaway. MOST though, are done directly by the publisher or product owner. If it's been over 10-12 weeks, and you have not received your book, please send me your full name, address and book title to PrincessPrizes@yahoo.com and I will see what I can do. I'd like to thank those of you that have mailed to let me know you've gotten your book and/or to thank me, it means a lot to know that almost all of you ARE getting your books! Obviously my site isn't the only one the publishers work with to giveaway books, they have their own busy schedule of giveaways to mail out. One other thing -- the quicker you get me you full name and address, the sooner I can send it in! I don't want you to feel alone, you have NO idea how many books that have 'gone missing' on me, or come opened, don't show, or some come and some don't. I've had to actually put in a complaint with the post office!
Thanks for listening and catching up! If you'd like to help, because I will be in for a while, please do not hesitate to contact me! Sorry for taking up all your time!
Besides your chance to Win "Wherever Nina Lies", I have Guest Posts with Sarah Darer Littman - author of "PURGE", Angela Morrison - author of "SING ME TO SLEEP", Kate Cann - author of "POSSESSED" and not to mention Jennifer Murgia - author of "ANGEL STAR"! I told you I had a great line up -- and those are just SOME!
Kisses and Toodles!

being me,
catching up,
missing books,
royal reviewers needed
February 8, 2010
Harper Teen's 28 Days of Winter Escapes - Day 8 Carolyn Mackler
I am honored to be asked by HARPER TEEN to be a part of their "28 Days of Winter Escapes"! Each day in February, Harper Teen is having a different blogger post Q&A's by a specific author and a chance to win a signed book by answering a poll on different subjects (Today's Poll is on How You Like to Flirt!)! That equals One book a day for 28 days! You can read all about the "28 Days of Winter Escapes" in my post below!
Today is day 8 and I have the pleasure of hosting a Question and Answer Session with Carolyn Mackler author of "TANGLED", which I loved and was even reviewed right here on Park-Avenue Princess! When you are done reading the Questions and Answers, don't forget to go over and answer the poll! You may win that day's signed book! Also, Harper Teen is offering up a bigger prize of an Ipod, but which day is not known, so it's important to check back every single day and answer each poll for a chance at the big prize! Thank you Harper Teen!
Please make Carolyn Mackler feel welcome!
1. Jena collects “other people’s musings” about love and heartbreak. What’s your favorite quotation about love?
“ ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” —Alfred Lord Tennyson
I like that quote because it’s about taking risks and really letting yourself live, even if it can hurt sometimes. I just Googled the quote and found this rant on a blog where someone wrote, “It is better to have loved and lost than to have spent the rest of my life with that psycho!” I have to admit, that’s a pretty perfect quote, too.
2. If you were a character in Tangled, who would you be most likely to offer advice to: Jena, Skye, Dakota, or Owen?
Hmmm. . . good question. I think Jena, despite her dark moments, has a decent amount of emotional grounding. Skye, by the end, has a therapist. Owen has his sense of humor to get him through. So I suppose I would give advice to Dakota. He seems so stranded in the world. That’s why I was relieved when he encountered Shasta. I’m hoping this is just the beginning of their story together.
3. Who are three people that you’re inextricably tangled with, and how have they affected your life?
My immediate reaction is my husband, my five-year-old son, and my infant son. We’re tangled together in that wonderful, messy, loving way where one person is brushing their teeth while the other is in the shower and the other is knocking on the door shouting that they need the bathroom and the other is grumbling because his pacifier fell out. But then I think about what tangled with people means to me. It’s those people who keep circling around in my life, who keep showing up—physically or even in memories—and affecting the course of things. By that definition, I’d say my best friend from childhood, my best friend from college, and the first guy I fell in love with. Even though all three of them aren’t in my day-to-day life, they are so much a part of who I am today.
4. Ever had a chance encounter that led to something special?
Yes, definitely. I did a lot of travelling when I was in college—biking around Europe with a friend, driving cross-country by myself—and I had some seriously amazing chance encounters. Subtext: met extremely cute, smart, interesting guys. There’s nothing like travel, being in a new place and feeling a bit liberated from who you are back home. When I was a teenager, I always felt like even my hair looked better when I traveled. Or maybe it was just the moisture of a more humid climate.
5. Where is paradise for you?
Someplace warm, like the Caribbean, with good swimming. And I have to be able to walk barefoot. When I was growing up, my grandparents lived in the Caribbean, in a house with lime trees and lizards scurrying up the walls. We used to visit them every winter, escaping the frozen tundra of western New York. Definitely paradise!
6. What book would you read on winter’s day?
Last winter, I read Sarah Conley by Ellen Gilchrist and I loved it. It’s just the right blend of happy and sad, heartbreaking and uplifting. Not to mention that Ellen Gilchrist is a pro—I felt like I was in great hands reading her story. I think I’ll read it again this winter. And there’s even a huge snowstorm in the beginning!
7. Do you believe in happily ever after?
Yes. Well, actually, I believe in happy-ever-after-with-some-work-and-some-good-luck-and-occasional-bumps-that-must-be-taken-with-a-dose-of-humor. It’s certainly not all happy, but a lot of it can be. And as for the bad stuff, you have to find someone who can laugh about it with you.
8. What makes something romantic?
With the right people, anything can be romantic, even being stranded on a runway for eighteen hours, as my husband and I were en route to our honeymoon. And with the wrong person, all the candlelight and French restaurants in the world can’t add up to romance.
9. What’s your favorite winter activity?
Sledding with my son in Riverside Park. There’s this huge hill near our apartment and he’s just starting to do the mini-ramps. I love running up and down the hill and watching him whiz by, pure glee on his little face.
10. Opposites attract or repel?
It depends on what kind of opposites. My husband and I are different in a lot of ways—like he loves having music on and I need quiet. Or he’ll devour a steak and I’m a lifelong vegetarian. These are the kinds of differences that make life interesting. But on a deep level, like what we believe in and how we view the world, we are similar. I suppose if I met my true opposite, in a worldview sort of way, I wouldn’t be enamored.
Thank you SO much for being here Carolyn! If you haven't picked up TANGLED yet, I highly recommend you do!
Head on over to Harper Teen's 28 Days of Winter of Escapes - Day 8 and take the Poll to win!
Kisses and Toodles!!
Today is day 8 and I have the pleasure of hosting a Question and Answer Session with Carolyn Mackler author of "TANGLED", which I loved and was even reviewed right here on Park-Avenue Princess! When you are done reading the Questions and Answers, don't forget to go over and answer the poll! You may win that day's signed book! Also, Harper Teen is offering up a bigger prize of an Ipod, but which day is not known, so it's important to check back every single day and answer each poll for a chance at the big prize! Thank you Harper Teen!
Please make Carolyn Mackler feel welcome!
1. Jena collects “other people’s musings” about love and heartbreak. What’s your favorite quotation about love?
“ ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” —Alfred Lord Tennyson
I like that quote because it’s about taking risks and really letting yourself live, even if it can hurt sometimes. I just Googled the quote and found this rant on a blog where someone wrote, “It is better to have loved and lost than to have spent the rest of my life with that psycho!” I have to admit, that’s a pretty perfect quote, too.
2. If you were a character in Tangled, who would you be most likely to offer advice to: Jena, Skye, Dakota, or Owen?
Hmmm. . . good question. I think Jena, despite her dark moments, has a decent amount of emotional grounding. Skye, by the end, has a therapist. Owen has his sense of humor to get him through. So I suppose I would give advice to Dakota. He seems so stranded in the world. That’s why I was relieved when he encountered Shasta. I’m hoping this is just the beginning of their story together.
3. Who are three people that you’re inextricably tangled with, and how have they affected your life?
My immediate reaction is my husband, my five-year-old son, and my infant son. We’re tangled together in that wonderful, messy, loving way where one person is brushing their teeth while the other is in the shower and the other is knocking on the door shouting that they need the bathroom and the other is grumbling because his pacifier fell out. But then I think about what tangled with people means to me. It’s those people who keep circling around in my life, who keep showing up—physically or even in memories—and affecting the course of things. By that definition, I’d say my best friend from childhood, my best friend from college, and the first guy I fell in love with. Even though all three of them aren’t in my day-to-day life, they are so much a part of who I am today.
4. Ever had a chance encounter that led to something special?
Yes, definitely. I did a lot of travelling when I was in college—biking around Europe with a friend, driving cross-country by myself—and I had some seriously amazing chance encounters. Subtext: met extremely cute, smart, interesting guys. There’s nothing like travel, being in a new place and feeling a bit liberated from who you are back home. When I was a teenager, I always felt like even my hair looked better when I traveled. Or maybe it was just the moisture of a more humid climate.
5. Where is paradise for you?
Someplace warm, like the Caribbean, with good swimming. And I have to be able to walk barefoot. When I was growing up, my grandparents lived in the Caribbean, in a house with lime trees and lizards scurrying up the walls. We used to visit them every winter, escaping the frozen tundra of western New York. Definitely paradise!
6. What book would you read on winter’s day?
Last winter, I read Sarah Conley by Ellen Gilchrist and I loved it. It’s just the right blend of happy and sad, heartbreaking and uplifting. Not to mention that Ellen Gilchrist is a pro—I felt like I was in great hands reading her story. I think I’ll read it again this winter. And there’s even a huge snowstorm in the beginning!
7. Do you believe in happily ever after?
Yes. Well, actually, I believe in happy-ever-after-with-some-work-and-some-good-luck-and-occasional-bumps-that-must-be-taken-with-a-dose-of-humor. It’s certainly not all happy, but a lot of it can be. And as for the bad stuff, you have to find someone who can laugh about it with you.
8. What makes something romantic?
With the right people, anything can be romantic, even being stranded on a runway for eighteen hours, as my husband and I were en route to our honeymoon. And with the wrong person, all the candlelight and French restaurants in the world can’t add up to romance.
9. What’s your favorite winter activity?
Sledding with my son in Riverside Park. There’s this huge hill near our apartment and he’s just starting to do the mini-ramps. I love running up and down the hill and watching him whiz by, pure glee on his little face.
10. Opposites attract or repel?
It depends on what kind of opposites. My husband and I are different in a lot of ways—like he loves having music on and I need quiet. Or he’ll devour a steak and I’m a lifelong vegetarian. These are the kinds of differences that make life interesting. But on a deep level, like what we believe in and how we view the world, we are similar. I suppose if I met my true opposite, in a worldview sort of way, I wouldn’t be enamored.
Thank you SO much for being here Carolyn! If you haven't picked up TANGLED yet, I highly recommend you do!
Head on over to Harper Teen's 28 Days of Winter of Escapes - Day 8 and take the Poll to win!
Kisses and Toodles!!
February 1, 2010
28 Days of Winter Escapes!
Harper Teen certainly knows how to heat up the month of February! Each day of the month, they will be Giving Away an Autographed Book and Having a Different Blog Feature a Talented Author. So basically that means - 28 Days of Winter Escapes - A Book A Day Giveaway!
28 Awesome Books - 28 Awesome Authors each hosted by 28 Awesome Blogs!
How does this work?
Well, Each day of the month, Haper Teen will feature a new book and corresponding poll. When a user votes in the poll, they are eligible to enter the sweeps, which they would win an autographed copy of the book. Also, once a week, there will be a bigger prize and users could win an iPod Touch (for the week of Valentine’s Day)!
Harper Teen certainly knows how to heat up the month of February! Each day of the month, they will be Giving Away an Autographed Book and Having a Different Blog Feature a Talented Author. So basically that means - 28 Days of Winter Escapes - A Book A Day Giveaway!
28 Awesome Books - 28 Awesome Authors each hosted by 28 Awesome Blogs!
How does this work?
Well, Each day of the month, Haper Teen will feature a new book and corresponding poll. When a user votes in the poll, they are eligible to enter the sweeps, which they would win an autographed copy of the book. Also, once a week, there will be a bigger prize and users could win an iPod Touch (for the week of Valentine’s Day)!
How Amazing Is That? I couldn't be more honored than to be asked to be a part of the 28 Days of Winter Escapes! My day is February 8th! I hope you'll all stop back here on that day which will be filled with Questions and Answers by Carolyn Mackler and a chance for you to win an autographed copy of her fabulous book TANGLED!
I also hope you'll check out the other 27 fantastic bloggers that will each be hosting a different author and a new chance for you to win an autographed book!
Besides the 28 Days of Winter Escapes - Win a Book A Day!! The site will also be featuring a Magic Snow Globe (to answer your LOVE Questions- or any Questions you may have)! Kinda' like a Magic 8 Ball - Very Fun, I've already tried it! You can send Love and Anti-Love E-Cards, a Quiz and a Widget which I will have posted here on my blog for the entire month of February!
For those of you tweeting about The 28 Days of Winter Escapes, please use the hash tag #28DayGiveaway! Also, don't forget to follow @HarperTeen!
The official site for The 28 Days of Winter Escapes can be found by clicking the link! The book that kicks it all off today is a signed copy of THE AMANDA PROJECT : Book 1 INVISIBLE I!
What a Wonderful Way to Warm Up Your Winter! Good Luck & Have Fun! I'll see YOU back here on the 8th for MY DAY of FUN, FANTASTIC FESTIVITIES!
Thank you HARPER TEEN!
My Soul To Save ~ Giveaway!
If you haven't read Rachel Vincent's "Soul Screamers" series, I highly recommend you do! I am so excited to bring you a giveaway that will have THREE of my LUCKY Readers with their very own copy of the newest book in the Soul Screamers Series "MY SOUL TO SAVE"! Are you as excited as I am yet? Go ahead! Read on...
Let me tell you a little bit about the Book MY SOUL TO SAVE -
Book 1 of The Soul Screamers series -- My Soul to Take -- was released this past summer, and readers found out why Kaylee Cavanaugh screams bloody murder when someone’s about to die.
In Book 2 – My Soul to Save – when teen pop star Eden croaks on stage and Kaylee doesn’t wail, she knows something is dead wrong. She can’t cry for someone who has no soul.
The last thing Kaylee needs right now is to be skipping school, breaking her dad’s ironclad curfew and putting her too-hot-to-be-real boyfriend’s loyalty to the test. But starry-eyed teens are trading their souls for a flickering lifetime of fame and fortune in exchange for eternity in the Netherworld—a consequence they can’t possibly understand.
Kaylee can’t let that happen, even if trying to save their souls means putting her own at risk.
Soul Screamers: The last thing you hear before you die.
If this hasn't hooked you...watch this!
You can learn more about Kaylee by downloading the free Soul Screamers prequel My Soul to Lose here!
About the Author - Rachel Vincent
A recent transplant into the deep south, Rachel Vincent has a BA in English and an overactive imagination, and consistently finds the latter to be more practical. She shares her workspace with two black cats (Kaci and Nyx) and her # 1 fan. Rachel is older than she looks — seriously — and younger than she feels, but remains convinced that for every day she spends writing, one more day will be added to her lifespan.
Taken from the Author's Web Site.
These books are going to be sent from the Media Company
So, because of this, ANYONE that is a GFC FOLLOWER may enter as long
as they have a US address to send their prize too! No exceptions!
Most important you must follow through Google Friend Connect!
Don't know how? Go here to get instructions
I want you head on over to the SOUL SCREAMERS site and tell me one thing you've learned about either the SOUL SCREAMERS Series or Rachel Vincent! You MUST do this step to QUALIFY!
Also to qualify, I ask that you please leave your name/nickname
in each post you leave. Something that separates you from everyone else
so that it will be clear if you are chosen as the winner. You must also leave
me with your emailing address so that you can be contacted (even if it is in your profile).
*This Contest ends 2/28/10*
Midnight EST
There are Changes so Make Sure You Read!
+5 If you Subscribe by Mail
+5 If you Subscribe via Google Reader
+5 If you TWEET About This Giveaway (Leave Link)
+10 If you Rate Me On Blogged (see link at bottom of blog)
+10 If you add me to your blog roll (and link it back to my blog)
+10 If you Blog about the Contest in your Sidebar (Link back)
+15 If you blog about this Giveaway in it's own post (Link back)
+20 If you Follow @APrkAvePrincess on Twitter (Leave @name)
+25 If you Put My Button On Your Blog and Link Back
So, spread the word about Park-Avenue Princess!
It's only a *Click* to Follow and We're NOT that far away!!
92 New Followers to be Exact!
And Because I'd like to get to my 1,000th Follower and
Huge Giveaway as Quickly As Possible
I'll now be offering...
+50 for each and every NEW follower you bring me
(They just have to mention it in their post! You will BOTH Get the Points!)
(All of these will be verified before they count towards your entries!!)
Separate your entries one per post! (either each or just +5 for example)
Or you will only have One Entry Regardless of What You Do!
So...SPREAD the Word! It's ONLY A Click & a Follow!
We need 98 new followers for the BIG CELEBRATION!
Subscribe to:
Posts (Atom)