It's really hard and I need to find a way to help me forget about some of it. Some, I honestly don't remember on my own, I think my memory has a way of not letting me remember it. But the things I do remember, like the pain and the P.T. and the handfuls of hair...Sorry this has turned into a VENT FEST. I didn't have this intention when I wrote it.
I've gotten so many great books in, and I LOVE to read, but imagine it being just about the only thing you do and NEVER being able to leave your bed. NEVER! I'm picked up by my sheets for tests or operations from bed (A big air bed it is too) and I'm put on a gurney and that's when the pain kicks in again.
I'm hoping I get a LOT stronger this week and for those of you that have me in your thoughts and prayers, I appreciate it. I didn't want to make my "FUN" blog sad ever... but sometimes, I guess you just have to get it out. I'm out of Journal paper or I would've probably wrote it there. I've ordered a new one and it should be here like yesterday. I have so many great reviews waiting for me to just post...I have to get them fixed.
THESE authors should be PROUD! And I'd like to thank them all for taking me away to a different place...not the one I HAVE to be!
Again...I apologize for making a ROYAL case of all this. I just couldn't stand one more poke, pinch, needle, prod, touch, talk or "information.
The Very Weak Sad and Not Herself Princess
She is at
Mrs. Sandy Patsy still has HIGH HOPES for Amy's Birthday Box so if you'd like to speak with her please write to SandyEllenPatsy@aol.com ...but this is up to you. Amy's birthday is on Father's day this year and it's also her father's birthday as well and it will be spent in the hospiital. Amy has a little boy. His birthday is the 23rd and his name is Devin. His birthday will be spent in the hospital. Think of how they feel.
Thank you for listening!
Resident Royal Reviewers
From the Publisher:
Inspired by the edgier side of dating, Legs Talk employs comical banter and classic black and white photos, to illustrate the hilarious accounts of a doomed relationship.
I LOVED this gift-book and it gets a SOLID FIVE-STAR TIARA RATING here at Royal Reviews! Which Means - This Book Lives Happily Ever After On MY Bookshelf
My thoughts and Review:
"You break it you buy it!"
How many times has the man you thought of as "the one" ended up just being a number in your little black book? From page one this book had me on my toes! It's like a girl's night in all packed in one adorable book! D.E. Boone is original and refreshing and tells it like it is! This book is something we all could use at some point in our life, and that is a fact.
Heart-broken? We've all been and well all know the story and how we got there. It's timeless and I'd go as far to say a "classic" in it's own right. But you know what? I want to tell it again...as single women, when we look for a man, we dress-up, use our sensuality and "walk" with it so to say. There she is minding her own business, having a little "retail therapy" (which we all need by the way) and here he comes,could it be..Mr. Right? or should we say Mr. Right Now? I love a good story especially one I've lived through and can relate to one hundred percent! But when it's told a way so ingenious, edgy, and different that I've never seen it before, I am blown away! "Legs Talk: Let your Legs Do the Talking", is THAT book. We may know the story, but we certainly have never seen it narrated like this.
A tale of girl meets guy, falls for guy, finds out he's not what he said he was, disappoints, disappears, reappears, girl gives him another chance only to be hurt again ...then what? We all swear the next one will be normal! Except for one thing, as normal as this story sounds, it's anything but! This beautiful black and white picture book is told from the waist down. That's right, this book is narrated by a par of sexy, gorgeous and sensuous legs.
Have you ever been looking for that perfect gift book for a girl friend who just got dumped by the man of her dreams? Or maybe things just didn't work out between the two of them. And all you want is a little something to stop her from moping around and eating your entire pint of Ben and Jerry's? So what do you do? You rush out to the local bookstore and all you find sitting on the shelves are the "I'm so very sorry" books. Now to me ladies, in most cases, and even if you don't find out until later on, it's a blessing in disguise! So, why not celebrate? This book is how we as women can hold all the cards! We are sexy beings with intelligence, thoughts and feelings and isn't it about time we started to get treated like it?
So go put on your high heels and "walk that walk" because you're a woman and thanks to this book, you'll celebrate it! Nancy Sinatra didn't hit Number One in 1966 with "These Boots Were Made for Walkin'" for nothing! Right?
Thank you Mr. Boone, I totally got a kick out of this book and believe me, you will too!
***GIVE-A-WAY Notice: I will be GIVING AWAY COPY of D.E. Boone's "Legs Talk: Let Your Legs Do The Talking" this week! Hopefully, in the near future we can get Mrs. Boone in here for an interview as well, which would be great! This book give-a-way is made possible by Mrs. Boone hereself because she was so generous to send me two books. ONE for me and ONE to share! Yes, I did learn that from my mom, but if I only got one of these...um...sharing would've gone out the window! : ) The Lucky Winner will be posted at the end of the week. So, if you'd like this adorable little gift book, just leave a comment and you've got your chance!
Good Luck & Have Fun!!
That's all for now and Thank You for stopping by!
Now, if you ever knew just how shy Amy is in person, you'd laugh to know she could even keep up her blog! So, this is quite an honor for her. Trust me, I do know! So a BIG THANK YOU to J.Kay for the award. which I will put up right here in the middle of the post for now, until I know how to get it to stay on the side!
I encourage you all to stop by J.Kaye's book blog! She's got a lot going on over there herself! I'm sure it gets a FIVE CROWN RATING from AMY any day of the week! J.Kaye has cool reviews/interviews, raffles, Maxine and challenges up the ying-yang (Amy is going to kill me for using this language in the castle...she is). SO JUST ENJOY IT WHILE YA' CAN. 'Cuz when she's back - OH this is all deleted fo' sho'!
While we're on the subject of my most favoritest friend, who I will update you on in the next post, there will probably be three more today and this is already the second, I just have to do this for her. We miss her so much and this is important to her/therefore it's important to us.
Since we can't figure out her password yet and we've all tried so many things, we can not get a hold of all reviews, interviews and everything else of importance. She even reviews for a few online sites that I'm trying to forward reviews to. I feel so worthless and then when we see her, it's a feeling of being helpless. So, as I was saying, since we can't find all the reviews, we'll do what we can and fill you in on how she's doing, plus try to get up some interviews and we think it will be fun to tell you funny/interesting stories about Amy that you do not know. I hope it's alright with all of you. We've just known her so long and this part of her is new to us so we're going to give you a part of her that's new to you. Fair? FAIR! Also, Amy offered to help a wonderful woman named Lisa advertise her Etsy shop here, so I'm going to try to get in touch with her and help her do that and also there is an author that has done so much for Amy that we're going to get her book posted or banner up for advertisement as well and her name is Sandy Patsy. I'm sure you remember her from her review. We were planning an interview with her as well, but I think she wants to wait until Amy gets back and that's fine with the three of us.
Thank you again J.Kaye for such an honor. You really are a great friend to Amy and anyone that takes care of her is so special in our book. Although, we may have to stop by your blog as well, we want a chance at your wonderful raffles and serious reviews you do. If you haven't seen her review system, you should stop by. It's really unique. On top of that, she's doing every challenge under the sun, I have know idea how she has time for it all. It really is a great blog! J.Kaye, if we have any questions, would you mind us stopping by? You can answer in the comments
The last thing for this post is this...for the last week, we've been lurking, visiting Amy's friends on their blogs and we have to say what a great place to be! You all have exciting, different and unique topics and blogs! We really know now why Amy loves this so. She does have quite a few books that she's gotten in and they are at the hospital with her. It's what she calls her "Comfort Reading" and she started writing reviews about eight years ago just to give back to her favorite authors that had gotten her through some serious tough times medically. In return, she will do just about anything to be part of a book that she loves success. We can't wait for her to be better. We miss our weekends together and our dinners out at least once a week. Get well my dear dear friend. I LOVE YOU!
I think that's all for now from us.
Respectfully - Your Resident Royal Reviewers
Vanessa, Kim and Dawn