July 27, 2008


NOT MY BLOG NAME...But then again THERE IS AN AWESOME GIVE-A-WAY going on there....wanna' know? huh? huh? Weeelllllllllllllllllllllll, I suppose I can share the news with a couple of hundred friends....lol

ALL you have to do to get the directions is visit Giveaway: The Gargoyle « So many books, so little time… OH AND SEE...Ugh, I did it wrong, I was going to keep you in suspense and not tell you what book it was yet. Well, it's an ARC of "THE GARGOYLE" by Andrew Davidson that was given through the E.R. Program by Library Thing! An awesome way to get Arcs and new books out MONTHS before they're on the shelf, just like the one above.

So, what are you still standing here reading this for?? HOP on over to SO MANY BOOKS, SO LITTLE TIME and find out ALL the details on how to win! OH and say the *I* Sent You!

That's it for now!

XXX - Kisses



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Feel like Preaching to the Princess?

Well then...Please leave all of your Noble Notes and Royal Ramblings here...

All will be taken into consideration.

XXX ~ The Princess