July 18, 2010

Saturday Spotlight

Saturday Spotlight is a feature that I truly miss on Park Avenue Princess and would love to start up again! So, if you're a new blogger, a fairly new blogger or a seasoned blogger and would like to tell everybody a little bit about yourself, your blog, and why it's SO FABULOUS!  Click the  "Contact Me" button up top,
and I'll be more than happy to send you over my interview letter. Then it's YOUR BLOG NAME in the SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT!

What I like best about Saturday Spotlight is how easy it is making new friends just by clicking a link! There  are many amazing blogs out there, and I'd be honored to bring some new visitors your way.  Once you email me, I'll let you know all the things that can be done with Saturday Spotlight such as Giveaways between the two blogs.  For an example of a Past Saturday Spotlight - go HERE.

If you'd like more information or if you'd like to be interviewed, let The Princess know by clicking the "Contact Me" button!  Happy Weekend!


1 comment:

  1. I love your Saturday Spotlight, can't wait to see who's up first. ^_^


Feel like Preaching to the Princess?

Well then...Please leave all of your Noble Notes and Royal Ramblings here...

All will be taken into consideration.

XXX ~ The Princess